About Poetry Wales

Founded in 1965, Poetry Wales is a triannual magazine with an international reputation for excellent poems, features and reviews from Wales and beyond. Emerging from a rich bilingual culture, Poetry Wales explores the diverse perspectives of Welsh poetry in English and its international relationships.

Its interest in translation, and in local and national identities in a global context, are at the forefront of some of the most exciting developments in poetry today. The magazine is open to tradition and experiment, publishing poetry from a wide range of approaches. Against this background of dynamic contrast, it offers a lively and informed critical context for the best contemporary poetry.

Please read a copy of Poetry Wales magazine before submitting to get an idea of the kind of poetry we publish. The magazine welcomes ideas for features to appear in the magazine. If there is an article you would like to write for the magazine, or if you are interested in writing reviews of poetry books for us, please e-mail editor@poetrywales.co.uk

Submit your work for consideration for our November 2024 issue, edited by Zoë Brigley with Contributing Editors Kandace Siobhan Walker and Zakia Carpenter-Hall.


As usual, Poetry Wales is open to all poems on all themes, but 60.2 will be slanted towards innovative forms and imagined realities. We are especially interested in submissions of innovative poetry (in form, content or a combination of both), as well as innovative essays and reviews. 

In terms of form, we are looking for newly invented shapes for poems; forms not typically used for poetry like essays, multiple choice and Mad Lib; experimental poems that borrow writing conventions from other “genres” like recipes; video games or science communication; as well as recently invented poetic formulas such as golden shovels and duplexes. 

In terms of content, we seek poems that depict fantastic, otherworldly, surreal, speculative worlds or aspects of the real world which include flights of fancy. We will enjoy poems in which the imagination runs wild yet are still held together by their own consistent logic.


You can read our full submissions guidelines here.

Payment and Publication

For administrative and financial reasons, Poetry Wales Press Ltd pays all Poetry Wales magazine contributors via PayPal and is unable to pay through any other means. If you are unable to accept PayPal payment, this will effectively forfeit your fee. By agreeing to publication, you agree to these terms.

Please note that for payment purposes all submissions to 60.2, including prose and essay poems, will be considered under our £20/page payment rate for poetry.

Submit your work for consideration for our 60th Anniversary issue, due out in March 2025. Edited by Zoë Brigley and a Cymraeg Editor TBC.

I'w gyhoeddi ym mis Mawrth 2025. Golygwyd gan Zoë Brigley a’r Golygydd Cymraeg (I’W GADARNHAU)


For our 60th anniversary issue, we are seeking poems of 45* lines or shorter by new Welsh poets. 

By 'new poets', we mean writers who have published no more than one full collection. By 'Welsh', we mean poets who were born in, schooled, are resident in or lived a significant part of their life in Wales.

Poets writing in Cymraeg and English are welcome to submit. Poems written in Cymraeg do not have to be accompanied by an English translation but if they are, both the poem and translation will need to be a maximum of 45 lines (e.g. a poem of 22 lines and a translation of 22 lines). The poem and translation will need to fit on one magazine page.

*45 lines inclusive of spaces and lines between stanzas

Ar gyfer ein rhifyn pen-blwydd yn 60 oed, rydym yn chwilio am gerddi 45* llinell o hyd neu lai gan feirdd Cymreig newydd. 

Wrth feirdd 'newydd', rydym yn golygu awduron sydd efallai'n gwbl anghyhoeddedig, neu sydd efallai wedi cyhoeddi rhywfaint o waith mewn cyfnodolion a blodeugerddi neu sydd â phamffledi, ond heb gyhoeddi mwy nag un casgliad llawn. Wrth ‘Gymreig’, rydym yn golygu beirdd a gafodd eu geni, eu haddysgu, sy’n byw yng Nghymru neu sydd wedi byw rhan sylweddol o’u bywyd yng Nghymru.

Mae croeso i feirdd sy’n ysgrifennu yn y Gymraeg a’r Saesneg gyflwyno’u cerddi. Nid oes rhaid i gerddi a ysgrifennwyd yn y Gymraeg ddod gyda chyfieithiad Saesneg ond os ydynt, bydd angen i'r gerdd a'r cyfieithiad fod yn uchafswm o 45 llinell (e.e. cerdd 22 llinell a chyfieithiad o 22 llinell). Bydd angen i'r gerdd a'r cyfieithiad ffitio ar un dudalen gylchgrawn.

*45 llinell yn cynnwys bylchau a llinellau rhwng penillion


You can read our full submissions guidelines here.

Payment and Publication

For administrative and financial reasons, Poetry Wales Press Ltd pays all Poetry Wales magazine contributors via PayPal and is unable to pay through any other means. If you are unable to accept PayPal payment, this will effectively forfeit your fee. By agreeing to publication, you agree to these terms.

Poetry Wales